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Tips for Protecting Yourself after a Washington Car Accident

On Behalf of | Oct 4, 2012 | Car Accidents

By Pendergast Law on October 4, 2012

Car accidents affect all too many Washington drivers, and it may feel inevitable that one day, you too will crash. Luckily, there are ways to reduce the risk of an accident, and there are ways to protect yourself after a crash occurs as well.

Take these steps to prepare and protect yourself in case of a car crash include:

  • Keep an “accident kit” in your vehicle at all times. Key items to put in your kit include a cell phone, a disposable camera to take photos at the scene, and a pen and paper to take notes, make diagrams, and write down the insurance information of others involved in the crash. Keeping flares, reflectors, or other high-visibility items with you can also help keep you and others safe if a crash occurs in the dark.
  • If you are in a crash, think safety first. Move the vehicles off the road if possible so that oncoming traffic won’t collide with them or the people in them. If vehicles are disabled or someone is injured too badly to move him- or herself, use the vehicle’s hazard lights and flares or reflectors (if available) to warn oncoming vehicles and call 911 or local emergency services immediately.
  • Exchange names, insurance company name and contact information with the other driver or drivers involved in the crash. To protect yourself from identity theft, do not give out your Social Security number or driver’s license number, and do not allow another driver to photograph your license or other ID to get your information.

At Hardwick & Pendergast, P.S., our experienced Seattle auto accident lawyers can help you figure out what happened and how best to protect yourself and your family. For a free, confidential case evaluation, call us today at 888-539-9211.