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How Truck Underride Guards Save Lives

On Behalf of | Apr 1, 2013 | Truck Accident

By Pendergast Law on April 1, 2013

In the event of a rear-end collision involving a large truck, an under-ride guard is designed to prevent the rear vehicle from going underneath the trailer. According to a new study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), under certain conditions, these guards play a vital role in preventing under-ride truck accidents, but there is considerable room for improvement. An official with the IIHS says that these rear guards are most effective when the collision involves a direct hit from the rear, but provides less protection when the car strikes the trailer at an angle.

In the year 2011, 260 of the 2,241 fatally injured passenger vehicle occupants involved in large truck crashes were killed when the front of their vehicle went underneath the rear of a big-rig. That is a considerable drop from the 460 people killed in under-ride accidents in 2004. The IIHS suggests, however, that this decrease was due to fewer trucks being on the roadway because of the weaker economy.

It is unclear if the government will improve the standards for under-ride guards, but the IIHS did send their data to government regulators for consideration. In countries such as Canada, where there are tougher standards for under-ride guards, fewer fatalities have been reported in truck under-ride accidents.

The knowledgeable truck accident lawyers in Seattle at Hardwick and Pendergast, P.S . know how to get victims of under-ride accidents fair compensation for their losses. We understand the significant emotional and financial repercussions of these types of semi-truck accidents. We offer no-cost consultations at 888-539-9211 to anyone who has suffered a loss in a Washington truck accident. Please contact us today for a comprehensive case evaluation.