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Five Reasons Why You Should Not Trust Insurance Companies

On Behalf of | Feb 5, 2014 | Auto Insurance Claims

Five Reasons Why You Should Not Trust Insurance Companies

By Pendergast Law on February 5, 2014

Insurance cmpanies spend a lot of money on branding. They want you, the consumer, to think of their companies as helpful, kind, and supportive. Of course, it is absolutely necessary to secure insurance, and you will regret not having insurance if you are ever involved in an accident. However, many insurance providers are extremely profitable because they know how to deny claims and how to protect their bottom line. In other words, insurance companies tend to prioritize themselves over the consumer.

While it is not advisable to be exceedingly distrustful of everyone and everything, it is wise to exercise a healthy amount of caution when dealing with a business. Here are five reasons why you should not fully trust your insurance company:

  1. It is their goal to provide you with as small a settlement as possible. They will not make money or continue to remain profitable if they provide large settlements to everyone who is injured in a crash. So, they train insurance adjusters to look for reasons to deny claims. If you contradict yourself or admit fault for an accident while speaking with an adjuster, your claim could be denied.
  2. They will try to use your words against you. They do not record their phone calls for your benefit. Their goal is to find a way to prove that the accident was your fault.
  3. They often request unnecessary independent medical examinations. There is a reason why insurance companies prefer the findings of certain doctors. They often use doctors they trust to justify denying vital medical treatment.
  4. They will delay or stall until you give up. Many injured victims are in a financial pinch because of their medical bills and lost wages. Insurance companies routinely offer small settlements in the hope that the claimant will accept the money out of necessity. When a claimant refuses the settlement and asks for more, it is common for the insurance company to respond with delay tactics. They assume that the longer they wait, the more desperate you will become.
  5. They often misrepresent the benefits you can receive. They do not have to always tell their clients about policy limits. The wording on their documents is often difficult to understand – deliberately so.

This is why it is helpful to have someone by your side who only benefits when you do. Instead of relying on the word of an adjuster whose job it is to deny your claim, seek out guidance from someone who has it in his or her best interest to get you the support you need. Please contact an experienced Seattle car accident lawyer at Hardwick & Pendergast, P.S. who will help you fight for your rights and obtain fair compensation for your losses.