Committed to helping you heal while we recover.

Compensation Available After a Seattle Car Accident

On Behalf of | Jul 13, 2016 | Auto Insurance Claims

By Pendergast Law on July 13, 2016

When you’ve been injured in a Seattle car accident, your first priority should be to focus on your recovery. However, that can be difficult to do when you know there are mounting medical bills and little to no money coming in because of time off work. That’s when you may start to think about getting compensation for your ordeal.

On your own, it can be difficult trying to navigate through your individual health and auto insurance policies, as well as the car insurance of the at-fault driver, to see exactly what’s being covered. With the help of a lawyer, this burden can be lifted off your shoulders and you can go back to resting and concentrating on getting well. Additionally, your Seattle car accident lawyer will look into various other types of restitution that you may be entitled to.

• Medical Expenses: Injuries sustained in a car wreck can range from something as minor as a few scratches and bruises to more serious life-threatening or ending trauma. Oftentimes, injuries are internal and not immediately evident following the collision, making it imperative to get checked out by a doctor. Compensation for medical expenses is the most commonly awarded in traffic accident claims. This usually includes any treatment the injured party has already gone through, is presently receiving, and will need to undergo in the future.
• Lost Wages: When someone is seriously hurt, they aren’t usually able to return to work for quite a while. This will have a major impact on their ability to earn a paycheck, so restitution may be awarded to make up for some or all of the income that is being lost.
• Pain and Suffering: Pain and suffering refers to the mental and physical distress that a party has suffered from their injuries. Compensation for this typically relies on the type of injury, how severe it is, and the diagnosis of future pain.
• Loss of Enjoyment of Life: If there are permanent injuries as a result of the crash, this means the person has lost a certain level of their capability to enjoy normal life and activities as they once did. This is frequently found to be worth some kind of restitution as well.

The compensation you may pursue in any of the above categories will largely depend on the severity of your injuries, as well as what the contributing factors were that led up to the collision. The car accident lawyers at Hardwick & Pendergast, P.S. have helped numerous Seattle clients and their families get awarded the settlements they deserved and can do the same for you. Contact us today at 888-539-9211.