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Who Is Liable for Swimming Pool Accidents?

On Behalf of | Jul 5, 2021 | Premises Liability

A warm summer day and a cool swimming pool sound like a perfect combination, but only when the waters are safe. Swimming pools present a number of risks, from drownings to diving injuries, and it is the responsibility of the property owner to minimize these dangers. If an owner allows a swimmer to be injured because of a safety hazard, they may be liable for all damages.

How Owners Can Prevent Injuries

Pool injuries are preventable when property owners inspect their pools for dangers and take the proper steps to resolve the issue. For example, if there is a loose handrail, owners should close the pool until it can be repaired or replaced. Otherwise, there is the risk that it could break and cause a swimmer to suffer a serious brain injury or drowning.

Other ways pool owners can protect swimmers and prevent common pool accidents include:

  • Installing drain covers to prevent entrapment
  • Use the correct chemicals to clean the pool of dangerous bacteria
  • Placing a fence around the pool and installing locks to keep children from wandering in
  • Using anti-slip paint on pool steps and rims to prevent slip and falls
  • Keeping electrical wires and equipment away from the water to avoid electrocutions
  • Storing pool equipment away from swimmers to stop trip and falls
  • Installing depth signs to warn swimmers of shallow areas and prevent diving injuries

Unfortunately, pool owners do not always take the proper precautions and can put guests at risk of suffering catastrophic injuries. The costs of this type of negligence should never be passed onto the victims, and you may be able to recover compensation through a premises liability claim.

How to Hold Pool Owners Liable for Your Injuries

Swimming pool accidents fall under an area of civil law called premises liability. With these cases, you can recover compensation for your injuries if you can prove that:

  • The owner had a duty of care towards you;
  • You were legally on the property;
  • The owner was aware, or reasonably should have been aware, of a safety hazard;
  • The owner failed to resolve the hazard or warn you of the danger; and
  • You suffered an injury due to the safety hazard.

If you or someone you love was injured in a swimming pool accident, you may be able to file a claim against the owner for compensation. Our Seattle personal injury attorneys at Pendergast Law can investigate the nature of your injuries, determine who caused your trauma, and advocate for the highest possible award in a claim or trial, if necessary. We work on a contingency fee basis, and there are no up-front costs to hiring us to represent you. Call us today toll-free at 888-539-9211 for a free consultation.