A driver’s tasks are not limited to starting the car, steering, and accelerating. Driving a vehicle is a responsibility. It requires full attention and the ability to deal with all kinds of obstacles. Negligent driving can lead to severe consequences.
In Washington State, distracted driving is a common cause of accidents. The consequences range from personal injury to economic damage. In the most severe cases, it can be fatal and result in the deaths of those involved.
What Is Distracted Driving?
Distracted driving refers to activities that distract a person while driving. It is an action that increases the likelihood of causing an accident. Here are some examples of activities that are a distraction to a driver:
- Use of mobile phones
- Eating and drinking
- Setting vehicle systems (radio, climate, or GPS)
- Conversations with passengers
- External events
- Fatigue
In Washington State, hands-free driving is permitted. Before driving, individuals can turn on GPS and music or adjust any vehicle system. Some penalties for distracted driving are:
- A fine of at least $145 for the first offense
- A second fine of at least $243
Remember, using hand-held cell phones while driving in Washington State is prohibited. Drivers must not be distracted – not even when they are stuck in traffic or at a stop light.
How To Avoid It
Distracted driving is a dangerous activity. It puts other drivers, motorcyclists, bicyclists and even pedestrians at risk. Here are some recommendations for avoiding distracted driving:
- Before you drive, prepare your car: adjust mirrors, seats, climate, GPS and even music.
- Mute your phone: avoid getting distracting alerts and notifications on your mobile phone.
- Stop at any emergency: stop the vehicle if you need to deal with an unexpected situation.
- Talk to passengers before the trip: ask them not to distract you while you drive.
- Do not eat or drink while traveling: avoid bringing food into your vehicle.
- Proper rest: make sure you are not driving tired. Get enough sleep before starting any trip in your car.
Remember, the most important thing is to keep the roads safe. Do not endanger other drivers. You may get compensation if you are in a car accident because of another driver’s distraction. Let an experienced personal injury and car accident attorney answer your questions.