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What financial support can a personal injury claim offer you after a crash?

On Behalf of | Jul 18, 2024 | Car Accidents

If you or someone you know has been in a car accident, you understand that a collision can lead to more than just the immediate shock and damage. A crash can leave injured people with significant financial burdens. What should you know about these costs and the compensation that could help you pay your bills after a crash?

What could a car accident cost you?

When we talk about car accidents, it is crucial to understand their potential cost. Even a relatively minor collision can lead to thousands of dollars in damage. The National Safety Council (NSC) estimates that accidents that lead to only property damage lead to $6,100 in costs on average.

When a collision leads to injuries, the lost income, medical bills, property damage and other expenses caused by the crash can add up even more. Crashes that lead to evident injuries cost an average of $42,000 according to the NSC, and fatal crashes result in $1,869,000 in costs.

A personal injury lawsuit can help injured people address these expenses.

Injured people and their families do not have to pay these costs on their own. In a car accident lawsuit, you can claim several types of damages, depending on your situation. These include:

  • Medical expenses: This covers any medical treatments you need due to the accident, from emergency care to long-term therapy.
  • Lost wages: If you cannot work while you recover, you can receive damages for the impact your injuries had on your income.
  • Pain and suffering: You may experience both physical and emotional pain as a result of a collision, and the court may grant you damages for that suffering.
  • Punitive damages: In cases where the other driver was particularly irresponsible, you might be eligible for punitive damages. This compensation is meant to punish the wrongdoer and prevent similar behavior in the future.

A car accident can change your life in an instant, leaving you with both physical and emotional scars. Understanding the types of support available through a car accident lawsuit can be a crucial first step towards recovery.