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What leads to drowsy driving?

On Behalf of | Jul 15, 2024 | Car Accidents

Drowsiness is a serious driving danger. How often drowsiness causes auto accidents is hard to determine, but it is estimated that nearly one hundred thousand people are injured by drowsy drivers.  

Why do so many drowsy driving accidents happen? There are several causes, including:


Everyone is affected differently by alcohol. Some people may become drowsy after consuming alcohol. Not only may a driver be drowsy after drinking alcohol but they may also cause auto accidents because of other effects of alcohol. 


People take medications for many health conditions. While helpful, many medications have side effects, which often cause dizziness, nausea and fatigue. People should be aware of the side effects of their medication if they are planning to drive.


Many people experience a medical condition called narcolepsy. Narcolepsy can cause people to suddenly fall asleep. This sleep is involuntary and can happen at inconvenient times, such as while driving. 

Long work shifts

A driver may be leaving from a long work shift. After several hours of constant work, the driver may feel tired. This fatigue caused by their work could cause them to fall asleep behind the wheel.


Depression is a psychological condition that affects people differently. A common symptom of depression is fatigue. This can happen because a person with depression experiences poor sleep. Even the smallest activity could cause a driver with depression to become drowsy.


In today’s fast-paced world, many people are avoiding sleep to work on projects or spend time outside the house. An all-nighter can cause an individual to experience concentration issues, slow decision making and drowsiness. 

A driving accident caused by drowsiness can lead to hospitalization, vehicle damage and death. Victims can learn about their legal options and pursue fair damages for their losses.