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3 common causes of slip and fall injuries in Seattle

On Behalf of | Sep 9, 2024 | Premises Liability

Slip and fall injuries can have numerous consequences for the victims. Fortunately, these accidents can be prevented, and some victims might be entitled to compensation. If you experience a slip and fall injury, you should seek medical attention and assess your need for legal counseling. Furthermore, knowing the causes of these injuries can help you act against them.

1. Heavy rain and other climate hazards

Heavy rain causes slippery sidewalks, increasing the risk of slip and fall injuries in Seattle. If you plan on walking on a rainy day, it is essential to wear appropriate footwear. This preventive measure can help you avoid accidents and keep your feet warm. Still, even if you choose your rain attire carefully, you could experience a fall.

Although nobody can control climate yet, a third party could be liable for a fall during Seattle’s rainy season. Property owners and municipalities are responsible for ensuring safety in their spaces. Consequently, failing to comply with security measures could result in penalties.

2. Unsafe working conditions

Unsafe working conditions also cause serious injuries. The National Floor Safety Institute states that slip and falls are the leading cause of work absences in the US. That is why employers must comply with safety guidelines. As an employee, you must follow safety recommendations and avoid additional risks. Still, if you experience an injury at work, you could receive compensation for the damage.

3. Getting older

Unfortunately, the chances of falling increase with age. In 2020, 31% of Washington’s adults over 65 experienced a fall. Additionally, fall-related injuries represented 49% of injury-related deaths in the state. As you age, you should maximize safety and know what to do in an emergency.

If you or someone you love experiences a slip and fall accident, it is crucial to prioritize your recovery. Still, assessing if someone was responsible for the damages is equally important. Sometimes, a third party could be liable for the injuries, and victims could receive compensation.