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How a slip-and-fall could end a career

On Behalf of | Jan 27, 2025 | Slip-and-Fall Accidents

People often do not give slip-and-fall scenarios the respect they deserve. In fact, people can be relatively dismissive about slip-and-fall incidents. People often leave the store without reporting their fall or fail to see a doctor after falling.

Many people wrongly believe that slip-and-falls don’t result in serious injury or only pose a risk to elderly people. The reality is that anyone who experiences a slip-and-fall could sustain major injuries. In some cases, the injuries generated can be enough to end a professional’s career.

How might a slip-and-fall affect a professional’s ability to work?

Falls can lead to brain injuries

Many slip-and-falls result in broken bones or soft tissue injuries. People try to prevent themselves from falling and break a bone. They can also overexert themselves by trying to slow themselves as they fall.

When people don’t have time to react or cannot support themselves as they fall, they might hit their heads on the floor, the wall, nearby fixtures or even a shopping cart. The blunt force trauma people experience any slip and fall can cause bleeding or inflammation inside the skull. They may later develop lifelong symptoms because the fall caused a traumatic brain injury (TBI).

The symptoms of a TBI can include cognitive challenges, memory issues, changes to sensory perception, issues with balance and motor function changes. Those symptoms can affect someone’s ability to continue a specific career. In more severe cases, people with brain injuries may not be able to work at all.

Pursuing a premises liability lawsuit after a slip-and-fall can potentially help people cover their medical expenses and lost wages. Understanding the risk of serious conditions with delayed symptom onset can help people remember to report injurious incidents and seek medical care after they fall.