Driving barefoot may seem harmless, especially after a day at the beach or when you’re in a rush, but it can present serious safety concerns. Driving without proper footwear can impact your control over the vehicle and increase accident risks.
Below, we explore why driving barefoot can be unsafe.
Is it legal to drive barefoot in Washington State?
Yes, it is legal to drive barefoot. No specific state laws prohibit it, and the decision to wear shoes or go without rests with the driver.
However, just because it’s legal, that doesn’t mean it’s always a safe or wise choice. If driving barefoot contributes to an accident, it could be used as evidence of negligence, potentially complicating insurance claims or legal cases.
Reduced pedal control increases accident risks
Driving barefoot can reduce your ability to apply consistent pressure on the pedals. Without the grip and support that shoes provide, your foot can slip off the brake or accelerator pedal, increasing the risk of an accident. This loss of precision can be especially dangerous during sudden stops or emergencies.
Foot injuries while driving
Bare feet are more vulnerable to injury from sharp objects, debris on the floor or even extreme temperatures from metal pedals during hot weather. A sudden injury or pain can be distracting and cause delayed reactions, leading to accidents.
Negligence issues in accident cases
Although driving barefoot isn’t illegal, as noted, it may raise questions of negligence if an accident occurs. If it is shown that barefoot driving contributed to the crash, insurers or opposing attorneys may argue that the driver acted recklessly, potentially reducing compensation for damages.
Given these risks, it’s advisable to wear proper footwear while driving to maintain control and reduce liability in case of an accident.