Committed to helping you heal while we recover.

Prepare for Safe Winter Driving in Washington by Planning Ahead

On Behalf of | Dec 19, 2012 | Dangerous Road Accident

By Pendergast Law on December 19, 2012

Washington winters mean snow, ice, and rain – and sometimes all three. With the possibility of inclement weather always in the air, it’s important to plan ahead so you minimize your risk of serious injury in a car accident. Here are a few ways your plans can help protect you, your passengers, and others on the road:

  • Check the weather reports. Pay attention to weather forecasts and plan errands or extended trips on days the weather is predicted to be clear. Before you hit the road, check the weather not only in your area, but also in the places you plan to go, so you’ll know if you’re heading into a storm.
  • Streamline your errands. If extended bad weather or multiple storms are expected, it’s wise to plan your holiday shopping and other errands for the same day if you can, and to choose a day when the weather is as clear as possible. That way, when snow or ice does roll in, you can enjoy a cozy rest at home instead of fighting the elements and risking a crash.
  • Understand the alerts. The National Weather Service uses specific terms to refer to winter weather conditions, including “winter storm watch,” “winter storm warning,” and “blizzard warning.” Brush up on these terms so you know what kind of weather to expect – and when to avoid the roads entirely.

At Hardwick & Pendergast, P.S., every skilled Washington dangerous road accident lawyer fights for the compensation each client needs, so our clients can focus on getting well. For a free and confidential case evaluation, contact our office today online or by calling 888-539-9211.