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Safe Driving Agreement Helps Parents, Teens Communicate on Driving Safety

On Behalf of | Sep 18, 2012 | Teen and Young Drivers

By Pendergast Law on September 18, 2012

Teens are often eager to earn their driver’s licenses and get behind the wheel. However, the inexperience of teen drivers puts them at a particular risk for accidents. Teens often don’t know what to do in an accident or emergency situation, and they often lack the experience to understand the risks behind some activities, like texting while behind the wheel.

Parents can help teenagers gain needed experience and improve safety by driving with them regularly, especially while they are driving on a learner’s permit or a graduated license. Another useful tool in helping keep kids safe on the road is a parent-teen driving agreement.

A written parent-teen driving agreement spells out the responsibilities of the parent(s) and the teen driver, as well as the consequences if any of the responsibilities are not met. Some key responsibilities for teen drivers that may be included in the agreement are:

  • to obey all traffic laws;
  • to follow all the rules related to his or her driver’s license restrictions;
  • to make sure everyone in the vehicle wears a seat belt;
  • to avoid using alcohol or drugs and never to get behind the wheel if he or she has used them; and
  • to avoid using a cell phone or texting while driving the car.

At Hardwick & Pendergast, a hardworking Seattle teen driver auto accident lawyer will help you seek the compensation you need after a crash, so you and your family can focus on healing from injury and getting back to all the activities you enjoy most. For a free, confidential consultation, call us today at 888-539-9211.