Road Rage And Aggressive Drivers
Last updated on May 11, 2022
Driving can be a frustrating experience at times. We’ve all been there – waiting at the light, stuck in gridlock or just trying to park the car. Sometimes, that frustration can build to the point of anger, but there is a difference between anger over the road conditions and explosive, out-of-control aggression that threatens to harm anyone in its path.
Unfortunately, we’ve come to the point where a term was needed to explain the dangerous decisions that have led to countless accidents and fights. It is called “road rage,” and if you or a loved one has been a victim of it, our Seattle car accident attorneys at Pendergast Law want you to know that help is available.
Call us at 888-539-9211 today to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced personal injury attorneys.
The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that roughly 66% of all traffic fatalities in the United States involve some sort of aggression or anger. Of those accidents, 40% of them are likely to involve a firearm. These are huge numbers when you think about how many people road rage has hurt.
Unfortunately, the NHTSA estimates that over half of the people who have been bullied or harassed by people with road rage respond in a similar manner, which only makes the situation worse. If you’ve been involved in a road rage accident, you’ve probably encountered one or more of the following behaviors from other drivers:
- Tailgating
- Flashing and honking the horn
- Sudden speeding and braking maneuvers
- Cutting you or other people off in the lane
- Shouting verbal threats and/or using threatening hand gestures
For more information, contact the attorneys at Pendergast Law to schedule a free case consultation.
What Should You Do Following A Road Rage Incident In Washington?
First and foremost, you’ll want to make sure that the authorities have been notified about the incident. It’s also safe to assume that the driver who caused your accident remains a threat to themselves and others on the road, so the police should be brought into the situation as soon as possible. Do not leave the scene of the crime before speaking with police. Road rage incidents can be extremely complex and will require the proper agencies to review them.
Secondly, be sure to take photos of the damage. If you are unable to do so, have a friend, witness or family member attempt to gather as much visual evidence as possible. This will become an important piece of your legal strategy later on.
Contact A Washington Car Accident Lawyer
Finally, give Pendergast Law a call to speak with one of our attorneys as soon as possible. Road rage incidents can fall under criminal or civil court, so you’ll want to have a competent and comprehensive legal team at your side. We have represented people just like you throughout Seattle and the state of Washington for years. Let our experience and our insight be your best defense.
Call us at 888-539-9211 for more information.