Were You Hurt In A Mobile Home Or Recreational Vehicle Accident?
Every year, thousands of Seattle residents pack up their families and a considerable part of their lives to hit the road in their mobile homes. These machines are not only a heavy investment for the owner – they are a sizeable obstacle for most passing motorists. How many of us, including everyone at Pendergast Law, have encountered one of these giants on the highway and had to take extra care and caution when passing one?
Unfortunately, too many folks have had tragic and sometimes unavoidable incidents with speeding, imbalanced and poorly piloted mobile homes. The outcome of such wrecks generally favors the mobile home driver, given their overwhelming width, weight and speed – leaving the other drivers involved paying a heavy toll following the encounter.
If you or a family member has been impacted by the negligent behavior of a motor home or recreational vehicle operator, give the Seattle personal injury attorneys at Pendergast Law a call today. With decades of collective trial experience, our attorneys are prepared to seek the compensation your family needs to recover. Our number is 888-539-9211.
Owners of mobile homes must be held accountable for any damages their recreational vehicles inflict on fellow motorists and pedestrians, no matter how minimal or severe.
What Makes A Mobile Home Dangerous?
One of the biggest issues often encountered with mobile homes, or recreational vehicles (RVs), concerns the licensing of said machines. Sadly, like many oversized vehicles that fall into that hazy category somewhere between a large commercial transport and your average two-axle truck, mobile homes do not require a special license to pilot. Anyone who has been issued a standard Class D motor vehicle license is able to operate a mobile home in the state of Washington. Because of this open policy, no matter how complex an RV is built, so long as it is not put into commercial use, practically anyone over the age of 25 is able to purchase and pilot one.
This is where the trouble often begins. Because of the often skilled driving needed behind the wheel of a motor home, inexperienced and senior drivers are subject to some of the following problems:
- Infrequent use: Motor homes are primarily summer recreational vehicles. While most states require a yearly inspection to one degree or another, simply allowing a vehicle to sit for over six to eight months without operation can leave both the motor home and its operator a bit rusty. This, in turn, can lead to hidden mechanical problems that can greatly reduce a vehicle’s safety as well as a driver’s inability to compensate for any sudden problems.
- Poorly balanced: These vehicles are awkward to say the least, with a center of gravity that can shift depending on how it is packed and piloted. Unless driven with a certain amount of care, motor homes are prone to tipping, flipping and rolling over even in the clearest of road conditions.
- Size matters: Most mobile home owners are aware of the amount of space they occupy on the road. Those select few who ignore their proximity to others and their unwieldy girth do so at everyone’s peril.
Motivated Representation In Seattle
Pendergast Law is comprised of a dedicated and knowledgeable team of Seattle auto accident lawyers who have been providing superior representation to the residents of Seattle and the surrounding area for over 30 years. If you or a loved one has been injured in a mobile home or RV accident, don’t hesitate. Contact us at 888-539-9211 to discuss your legal options in a free case evaluation and consultation.