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Did You Suffer Organ Damage In An Accident?

Accidents that damage the body’s internal organs can leave a person suffering catastrophic injuries that have lifelong debilitating effects. Internal injuries are particularly dangerous, as there may be no obvious external signs of the injury immediately after an accident. Emergency medical treatment may be neglected, with potentially life-threatening consequences for the victim. A medical mistake that is not a “risk of the procedure” is another cause of organ injury.

If you or your loved one has suffered serious internal injuries in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, your best course of action is to speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. With catastrophic internal injuries, there are often extensive damages, and the attorney you choose to represent you can make a significant difference in the final outcome of your case.

Our talented Seattle personal injury attorneys at Pendergast Law have four decades of experience helping injured people in Washington recover the compensation they need to move forward with their lives. We are aggressive and dedicated legal advocates for our clients. and we have a history of impressive results.

Washington Internal Organ Injury Case Results

  • A $555,000 recovery for a man who ruptured his spleen when he was struck by a car while riding his bicycle in SeaTac, Washington.
  • A $300,000 recovery for a woman who punctured her lung and fractured several ribs when she was struck by a car while riding her bicycle in Port Townsend, Washington.

View more case results here.

What Are Common Causes And Types Of Internal Organ Injuries?

Many types of accidents can cause internal bleeding and trauma to internal organs. Examples include those involving:

“The Merck Manual” states that physicians categorize abdominal injuries by the organ or vessel damaged as well as how the injury occurred. Structures in the abdominal cavity include:

  • The kidneys, pancreas, spleen and liver – classified as solid organs
  • The stomach, small intestine, bladder, ureter and colon – classified as hollow organs
  • The veins and arteries – classified as blood vessels

Hollow organs are less likely to be injured in an automobile collision, fall or other accident. The two most commonly injured organs are the spleen and liver.

MedicineNet reports that internal bleeding is most often caused by injury. Types of injuries that often lead to internal bleeding include:

  • Blunt trauma: The force of impact of an automobile collision or the impact when the body hits the ground in a fall can cause great trauma to the internal organs. Although the outside of the body may not show damage visible to the eye, the internal organs may have been subjected to enough compression to cause injury as well as dangerous internal bleeding.
  • Deceleration trauma: When a rapidly moving vehicle comes to a sudden stop, vehicle occupants may suffer impact injuries, called deceleration trauma. This type of trauma can cause the organs to shift inside the body, can rip blood vessels off organs and can lead to internal bleeding. Abdominal organs are attached by a pedicle (stalk) to arteries and veins for their blood supply. Pedicles can tear off with deceleration trauma – a dangerous and potentially deadly injury.
  • Penetrating trauma: Internal bleeding occurs when a foreign object penetrates the body and tears holes in blood vessels. Ribs that are fractured in an accident can also penetrate the lungs or other organs, leading to serious internal damage.

What Are Symptoms Of Internal Organ Injuries?

As reported in “The Merck Manual,” abdominal pain and tenderness from internal organ injuries is often mild. Victims may not notice or complain of such mild pain after an accident, as they may instead be focused on more painful injuries. In other cases, a victim may not be fully conscious due to either the shock associated with the accident or a head injury.

Internal injuries may not be visible, but there are specific symptoms, including the following:

  • Injury to the spleen sometimes causes pain that radiates to the left shoulder.
  • Small intestinal tears can cause pain that is slight at first but steadily worsens.
  • Kidney or bladder injuries may result in blood in the urine.
  • Blunt trauma that causes internal injuries may also cause visible bruising – for instance, bruising across the chest or lower abdomen from a seat belt. However, not all internal injuries will lead to bruising; likewise, bruising does not always indicate severe internal injuries.
  • The abdomen may be swollen with excess blood in cases of severe internal bleeding.
  • Accident victims suffering internal bleeding who have lost large quantities of blood may display the following symptoms: rapid breathing; rapid heart rate; sweating; cold, clammy, pale or bluish skin; low level of alert; and/or confusion.

It is important to seek medical attention immediately after an accident because of the possibility that internal injuries have occurred.

Contact Us For A Free Case Evaluation

If the negligence of another has caused you or your loved one to suffer catastrophic internal organ injuries, contact one of our Seattle internal organ injury attorneys at Pendergast Law right away for a free, no-obligation case consultation. We want to help you recover the compensation you need and deserve for you and your family. You can reach us at 888-539-9211 or through our online form.

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