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Hit By A Government Vehicle In Seattle?

Most vehicle accidents involve fellow citizens making bad choices and causing injuries to one another while on the road. However, government vehicles maintain a consistent presence on the roads of Washington.

If you or a loved one has been harmed in a crash involving a government vehicle, you may be confused as to what you can and cannot do next. But with the help of the lawyers at Pendergast Law, you can not only know what the next best step is, but you’ll have experienced Seattle car accident lawyers on your side. To learn more through a free consultation, call 888-539-9211 and speak to a member of our skilled legal team.

Whether they are from local, state or federal organizations, government drivers have a responsibility to drive safely and can be held responsible for the accidents they may cause.

What Is Considered A Government Vehicle?

Whether you realize it or not, government vehicles are everywhere. These automobiles and their operators are working to fulfill various aspects of their jobs each and every day. With so many on the road, you may forget their purposes or their differences from others on the road. However, being aware of their roles and goals can help you better understand your rights in the wake of a crash. These vehicles include:

  • Police cars
  • Ambulances
  • Snow plows
  • Buses
  • Fire trucks
  • Public school buses
  • Road construction vehicles
  • Street cleaning vehicles
  • Post office vans
  • Any other vehicle operated under government work capacities

Government vehicles should be easily identifiable and government drivers cannot hide that they were operating their vehicles in their government work capacity.

Who Is Responsible In A Government Vehicle Accident In Seattle?

Government vehicle accidents differ from many other crashes because of who can be held responsible and where compensation can come from. As a victim, you can file a claim against the government organization that was responsible for the vehicle involved in your crash, such as local police or the Postal Service. As long as the driver was working within his or her job confines, the government agency is connected to your accident.

However, if the employee was using the vehicle outside of work, either legally or illegally, then the case may change. Proving the exact details will be necessary in filing a successful claim. In success, you can receive compensation that pays for your injuries, past medical bills, lost wages from being unable to work and any future bills and expenses that will come from the incident.

Proving Fault Against Washington Government Drivers

Auto accident victims in Washington have the right to seek compensation for their losses, no matter who caused the incident. After your collision, it is vital that you collect all relevant evidence, file a police report, collect contact information from witnesses and undergo a doctor’s evaluation that will determine the extent of your injuries and needed treatment. Altogether, this can prove how the crash happened, who caused it and how you were injured.

When these factors are assembled by an experienced Washington injury attorney, a successful case can be created that proves fault and gains full compensation, paying for your injuries, past losses and future needs.

To learn more about your rights and to find experienced legal representation that can aid you in your case, call Pendergast Law by dialing 888-539-9211. With our help, you can find success, even when recovery seems to be far from reach. Do not be intimidated by the claims and tactics used by government agencies. You have the right to compensation and recovery. With the help of our Seattle government vehicle accident attorneys, you can recover to the best of your capabilities, free from heavy financial losses.

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