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Collisions Involving Pickup Trucks In Washington

When a pickup truck is involved in an accident, the damage can be particularly devastating because they are larger than other vehicles on the road and more likely to roll over. If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a pickup truck accident that you believe was caused by the wrongdoing of the driver, you may be entitled to receive compensation for your losses.

To learn about the best course of action for your situation, seek legal guidance from an experienced Seattle truck crash attorney at Pendergast Law. Please call us at 888-539-9211 for a free consultation.

Driver negligence is one of the main causes of pickup truck collisions.

How Do Pickup Truck Drivers Cause Accidents?

There are various ways a driver can cause accidents. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Distracted driving: If the driver of a pickup truck takes their attention away from the road for even a split second, the results can be catastrophic. If the driver was adjusting the radio, using a GPS device or cellphone, reaching for something behind them in the vehicle or turning their head and body to look at something, it can cause an accident.
  • Speeding: A recent study conducted by Target Zero indicates that one-third of traffic fatalities in Washington state per year are caused by drivers who speed. If you or a loved one were hit by a speeding pickup truck, you may have the right to take legal action.
  • Impaired drivers: Driving or having physical control of a pickup truck while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a crime in Washington state. If the driver has a blood alcohol concentration of .08% or higher (.02% for drivers under 21 years old) or has a THC concentration of 5 ng/mL or higher or has any other substance that impairs their ability to operate a motor vehicle in their system, they will be considered impaired.
  • Poor weather conditions: The damp and cold weather conditions in Seattle increase the risk of car accidents. Slick or icy roads can be a contributing factor to an accident with a pickup truck. Combined with other negligent behaviors, like speeding or driving impaired, this can greatly increase the chances of a pickup truck driver causing a collision.

Negligent pickup drivers must be held accountable for making dangerous decisions behind the wheel. Victims may pursue financial compensation through civil litigation.

Rollover Dangers

Like SUVs, pickups have a high center of gravity, which makes them prone to rolling over, whether they collide with some obstacle or make a sudden turn. In situations where a passenger car would spin out of control, a pickup truck will likely roll over. Rollovers commonly result in:

  • Occupant ejections
  • Roof crush
  • Catastrophic injuries, such as multiple fractures, head injuries and spinal cord damage
  • Fatalities

After a rollover accident, the victim or surviving family members would be well-advised to preserve the vehicle for a thorough inspection. If it can be proven that a defective part or design caused the crash, injured victims may hold the at-fault manufacturer liable for the injuries and damages suffered.

Overloaded Truck Beds

For pickup truck owners, it’s convenient to have a truck bed and be able to haul heavy items. However, overloading or loading a truck bed improperly can result in serious injury accidents because it can create limited visibility for the driver and flying debris that can harm others behind the pickup truck. Overloading can also cause drivers to lose control of the vehicle or to experience a slower braking time that puts them at risk of causing a rear-end collision. Pickup drivers are responsible for following the recommended weight limits for their trucks and may be accountable for resulting injuries or damages from an overloaded truck crash.

Runaway Trailers

When trailers are not secured properly to a pickup truck, they can come loose and cause catastrophic crashes. It is the responsibility of the driver to make sure that any load or trailer is properly secured. One moment of error or negligence could potentially lead to a runaway trailer accident.

How Is The Pickup Truck Driver Liable?

If you or a loved one have been involved in an accident with a pickup truck, in order to receive compensation for the damages to your car and injuries you have sustained, it must be proven that the driver of the pickup truck was acting in a negligent manner and caused the accident. Washington state is a comparative fault state, which means the fault of all parties involved in a car accident are factored into determining liability and compensation for damages.

Each driver on the road has a duty of care to act in a safe manner to protect himself and the people around him. If that duty of care is violated, you may be entitled to compensation.

Seattle Pickup Truck Accident Lawyers – Advocates For Our Clients

The skilled Seattle accident lawyers at Pendergast Law know how to help victims of pickup accidents get the compensation they need and rightfully deserve. We help injured victims determine liability and we fight to hold the at-fault party accountable for the damages suffered. Call us today at 888-539-9211 for a no-cost consultation and comprehensive evaluation of your claim. Also, feel free to learn more about our firm and how we’ve helped our clients.

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