What Should You Do After A Collision With A Taxi?
Taxis help Seattle residents get to destinations of all kinds every day, providing a helpful way to get around crazy commutes. But taxi drivers and companies also hold the safety of their passengers in their hands. Unfortunately, due to negligence and reckless actions, many Washington residents are hurt every year in taxi-related crashes.
Victims can suffer injuries and financial losses in the wake of an accident and if you have been harmed, you too may be facing an uphill battle for recovery. But with the help of a Washington taxi accident attorney at Pendergast Law, you can hold at-fault parties responsible and gain compensation that pays for your injuries and costs. Recovery is possible with our aid.
For more information on your accident and rights, call us at 888-539-9211 and receive a no-cost evaluation to make the right decisions in your potential case.
Injured by a taxi driver’s negligence? You may be able to recover damages for your injuries. Get help at 888-539-9211.
The Responsibilities Of Taxi Drivers In Washington
Frequent dangerous actions taken by taxi drivers that can lead to injury accidents include:
- Speeding
- Disobeying traffic signals
- Driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs
- Choosing to drive through dangerous roads
- Ignoring the safety concerns of passengers
If a taxi driver has done any of these negligent actions and harmed you, they are responsible for your injuries and all the financial losses that come from them. However, taxi companies may also be responsible, as they have the responsibility of preventing dangerous situations from occurring. However, taxi companies can be the cause of accidents for many reasons, including:
- Poor maintenance of cabs
- Lack of driver supervision
- Not providing proper training
- Encouraging dangerous driving behaviors
- Hiring drivers with poor records
Finding out how your crash happened and who caused it are the keys to creating a successful legal case and recovering to the best of your abilities.
How Can I Win My Seattle Taxi Accident Case?
It may be obvious that a reckless taxi driver or a negligent taxi company caused your collision and harmed you, but you must still prove it in your case. In the wake of a crash, you, or a loved one if you are physically unable to, must collect evidence of the accident scene. This includes photos of the aftermath, police reports, and contact information from eyewitnesses who can give testimony concerning what they saw. By having an attorney examine the evidence, it can be determined how the incident happened and who exactly is at fault for the crash and your injuries.
With the help of a skilled attorney, you can take the evidence and testimony concerning your crash and form them into a successful legal case. Through success, you can receive compensation that pays for your injuries, past financial losses, and any future losses you will experience.
Recuperating From Your Crash With The Help Of A Lawyer
At Pendergast Law, we are dedicated to helping injured victims not only protect their legal rights but also recover to the best of their abilities. If you or a loved one has been injured in a crash, a Seattle auto accident attorney can help you hold drivers and companies responsible so that you receive the compensation you need to heal and eliminate medical debts. To learn more, call us at 888-539-9211 and receive a no-cost consultation on your rights and options.