Help For Bikers Involved In Solo Collisions
When you ride your motorcycle, you’re the opposite of a daredevil speedster. Not only do you wear full gear, but you respect the rules of the road and keep safety in mind every time. Yet you’re now in a bind because you’ve been in a single-vehicle crash. Your insurance company is placing the blame on you, stereotyping you as a reckless rider. However, you are sure another party is at fault.
But what can you do? How can you defend your right to recover damages against the insurance company’s accusation? After all, a lot of bias is working against you.
The dedicated Seattle motorcycle accident attorneys at Pendergast Law can help. We are committed to the rights of motorcyclists and will fight aggressively to get you the compensation you deserve.
To learn more about your legal rights and options in a free consultation, contact us today at 888-539-9211.
Proving Your Side Of The Story
You may be completely honest in your account of the accident, but you will not be able to get the compensation you are entitled to unless you present evidence that supports your side of the story. Gathering this evidence is no small task, and insurance companies typically have a team of professionals whose job is to prove you are the one responsible so they can deny your claim. An experienced lawyer can investigate the circumstances of your crash and gather strong supporting evidence of what happened, such as:
- Police reports – An official police report can contain information about the scene of the accident, including road conditions or other drivers who might have caused it. This can be helpful with a single-vehicle accident, since there might not be as many witnesses.
- Witness statements – When there are witnesses available, it is crucial to get their statements right away when details are still clear. These statements are especially important if another driver caused the accident without making contact with your motorcycle.
- Expert testimony – Roadways that cause single-vehicle accidents are typically dangerous for specific, scientific reasons. Engineers and other professionals can provide testimony that shows what conditions caused your single-vehicle accident, and how a responsible party should have acted to prevent it.
- Pictures and videos – Few forms of documentation are as convincing as images that show how the scene looked. With dangerous roads, repairs can be made after your single-vehicle accident to make the area seem safer than it was. Prompt picture-taking captures the scene as it was to show how unsafe the conditions were.
Remember, evidence tends to fade with time, so it is in your best interests to consult with a motorcycle crash lawyer right away. Also, keep in mind there is a statute of limitations for your claim, and if you miss it, you will forfeit your right to pursue compensation.
Washington Motorcycle Accident Recoveries
- $225,000 recovery for motorcycle accident
- $175,000 recovery for a man who suffered injuries when a car swerved and knocked him off his motorcycle
Causes Of Single-Vehicle Motorcycle Accidents
According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), approximately half of all motorcyclist deaths involve just the motorcycle and no other vehicle. While many of these incidents can be attributed to error on the part of the motorcyclist (primarily speeding and drunk driving), a significant portion of such cases involve the following conditions:
- Dangerous roadways, inadequate signage, or bad lighting
- Mechanical malfunction due to defective motorcycle parts
- Motorist caused the collision without actually making contact
- Adverse weather
These conditions generally indicate third-party liability. Think of it this way: for each of those causes above, someone else may have been negligent in some way, which can make them liable for your accident costs. For example:
- Dangerous roadways – Roads have to be designed to be safe for all motorists, including those on motorcycles. If the design of the road is particularly bad, not properly repaired, or lacks warning for dangerous conditions, the state or city could be liable for an accident.
- Defective motorcycle parts – Manufacturers of defective parts can be held liable, if the part caused the crash. Proving the manufacturer was aware or should have been aware of the defect, however, can be quite difficult. This is why it is so important to have an experienced attorney to fight for you.
- Other motorist – “Single-vehicle” accident only means that no other driver struck your motorcycle. But other drivers can still cause a crash by veering suddenly toward you, stopping abruptly without proper warning, or by running you off the road.
- Adverse weather – You might think there is no one who can be held liable for the weather. And in general, you are correct. But proof of poor weather can show you were riding your motorcycle in a responsible manner and the weather caused your single-vehicle accident. This can be important when dealing with a denied insurance claim.
Call Pendergast Law At 888-539-9211 Today
Contact our hardworking Seattle injury attorneys, who will start investigating your case right away. Using the full extent of our abilities, we will negotiate a full and fair settlement with the insurance company. We are also willing to fight for you in court, if necessary. Contact our office if you have any questions regarding your case, and one of our dedicated legal team members will provide you with the answers you need.