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Washington is Bicycle Friendly, Even if Some Drivers are Not

There are many different types of bicycle riders across the state of Washington. Some are purely recreational riders that go for a ride in the park during the weekends here and there; some are work riders, who use a bicycle to commute to and from work; some are fitness riders who predominantly use bicycle riding as their workout; and finally, there are bicyclists who ride their bikes everywhere, for work, for errands, for fitness, and for recreation. No matter which type of bicyclist you are, Washington, or more specifically the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), wants you to have all the information you need to be a bicyclist in the Evergreen State.

Resources for Bicyclists

It is difficult being a bicyclist with the large number of motor vehicles on state roads, especially when many drivers neglect to take bicyclist safety into account. But with the right information, you can know where to bike, how to get there, and what you can do to stay safe.

WSDOT offers a wide range of resources on their “Bicycling in Washington” page online.

You can find out about the state’s bicycle laws as well as where you can ride, where you can’t ride, and what the easiest way to travel with your bicycle may be. For example, did you know that you can take your bike onto Washington State Ferries, Amtrak Cascade Rail (reservation required), and many transit (bus) services?

Bicycling Safety Tips

In addition, the website provides state and local maps that show you where street and trail routes are, as well as commuting tips and general safety tips. Some of these safety tips include:

  • Never ride against traffic;
  • Don’t pass on the right;
  • Obey traffic signals and signs;
  • Wear a helmet;
  • Never use headphones;
  • Be ready to brake; and
  • Make eye contact with drivers.

For more detailed information, visit the WSDOT webpage above. Being experienced Seattle bicycle accident injury lawyers at Pendergast Law, we know that you are safest when you are the most prepared and well informed.

When Other Drivers Don’t Pay Attention

The unfortunate reality of bicycling in Washington is that, ultimately, you are at the mercy of motor vehicle drivers. There are many steps you can take to avoid hazardous incidents, but these steps may not be enough in every situation. As the result of inattention, distraction, or even reckless behavior such as speeding and drunk driving, drivers may cause serious injury to law-abiding bicyclists. Such injuries are often severe and potentially even fatal. Holding the at-fault driver responsible for the harm they’ve caused may be the only way to achieve physical and/or emotional recovery.

Our goal is to get you the money you need for the best recovery possible. If you think legal action may be the right decision for you, give our Seattle bike accident attorneys a call at 888-539-9211 or contact us online for a free consultation.

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